Ohio Healthy Programs
Ohio Healthy Programs (OHP) focuses on ECE and Out-of-School Time programs creating healthy habits, menus, policies and family engagement to address childhood obesity. Professionals can take Ohio Healthy Program Ohio Approved Training that focuses on these topics. Programs can be designated as an Ohio Healthy Program for the changes they implement in their program. This program is funded by the Ohio Department of Health.
Steps towards this designation include: attending Ohio Healthy Programs Ohio Approved professional development which uses the Healthy Children, Healthy Curriculum, implementing a wellness policy, improving menus, engaging families, sharing a success story, and completing the Ohio Physical Activity and Nutrition Assessment. Then program administrators complete the Ohio Healthy Program Application in their Ohio Professional Registry Organization Dashboard to be designated an Ohio Healthy Program.
Ohio Healthy Programs (OHP) FAQs
- Family Child Care must take Ohio Healthy Programs Session 1, Healthy Habits, Session 2, Healthy Menus, and Session 3, Healthy Policy.
- Program Administrators must take Ohio Healthy Programs Session 3, Healthy Policy.
- Program Cooks must take Ohio Healthy Programs Session 2, Healthy Menus. The program administrator may take Session 2, Healthy Menus if there is not a cook.
- Program Lead Teachers must take Ohio Healthy Programs Session 1, Healthy Habits. A teacher from each age group served must attend the training.
Staff will not appear in the Staff Training for four reasons:
1) Staff do not have their role in their Employment tab.
2) Teachers do not have the age group(s) listed in their employment tab. All age groups they care for must be added for that role. If they have more than one role, additional roles can be added.
3) Only lead teachers and administrators will appear for Session 1, as that is the OHP requirement.
Only cooks and administrators will appear for Session 2, and only administrators will appear for Session 3 regardless of who else took the training. Other staff may have taken the training, but if they are not a lead teacher, administrator, or cook, they will not appear in the application since
they are not required for OHP designation.
4) Staff did not complete the training.
The Ohio Department of Health verifies online OHP trainings around the middle and end of the month. If training needs to be verified sooner so the OHP application can be submitted contact healthypromotions@occrra.org with your OPIN, name, and the training needing verified.
Access the application in your Organization Dashboard and open the Applications tab. Click on the “Notes” in the Status column. Also, click on “Edit” and then “Communication Log” for additional details, if applicable. If you have a question or want to leave a message concerning a comment in the Communication Log for the Application Review team, click “+Add Message.” Click “Resubmit Application” after edits are made.
Open the self-assessment that was attached to the email. Even though the self-assessment is in PDF format, saving it again as a PDF may resolve this. “Save As” a PDF (*pdf) to your machine, not just “Save.” Rename the report “Summary Report.“ Upload the document to the application. If this doesn’t rectify the situation contact Healthypromotions@occrra.org with your name, OPIN, and program’s license number.
You will receive an email from OCCRRA with your OHP Certificate and Congratulations letter, and you will be shipped the Rings of Fun by approximately the 15th of the following month of your designation date. The Ohio Department of Health will ship the OHP Congratulations poster for new designees and the date sticker for renewals by the end of the following month of the designation date. Dates may change based on item(s) availability.
Lead teachers for each age group are required to take Ohio Healthy Programs Session 1 Healthy Habits training, if they haven’t previously attended.
The cook or administrator is required to take Ohio Healthy Programs Session 2 Healthy Menus training, if they haven’t previously attended.
The administrator is required to take Ohio Healthy Programs Session 3 Healthy Policy training, if they haven’t previously attended.
Complete a new OH-PANA assessment and upload to the OHP Application.
Upload the program’s current menu that meets the OHP menu requirements.
Write and implement a new healthy policy, that is different from the previous policy used for designation. Date and upload the policy.
Implement a new family engagement activity.
Write a new success story; what positive actions/behaviors have occurred since continuing OHP?
Ohio Healthy Programs Resources
- Application-Items of Importance PDF / 2 Pages
- Child Care Action Kit – Ohio Healthy Programs PDF / 44 Pages
- Current Designated Programs List PDF / 8 pages
- Designation Requirements for OHP PDF / 3 Pages
- How to access OHP application PDF / 1 Page
- Menus-Tips for Writing OHP Compliant Menus PDF / 7 Pages
- OH-PANA Assessment Quick Start Guide 11.2021 PDF / 2 Pages
- Renew Ohio Healthy Program Designation DOC / 2 Pages
Program/Classroom Materials
Here are 47 two-page quick lessons for preschool and schoolage children. Print the posters below on 8 1/2 x 11″ or bigger paper to go with the lessons if you’d like.
Watch the short video tutorial see what’s in the lessons and tips on using them.
Bite-Sized Lessons: Eating to Grow Learn and Play
Posters-Fruits and Vegetables
Posters-Human Body
OHP Handouts Healthy Messages_5.7.2020
OHP Posters Healthy Messages_12.19.19
Ring of Fun Celebrations_12.12.19
Ring of Fun Infant_OHP_12.12.19
Ring of Fun Toddler_OHP_12.12.19