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Ohio Healthy Programs No Cost Train-the-Trainer for Ohio Approved Instructors

Thank you for your interest in the Ohio Healthy Programs No Cost Train-the-Trainer. Holly will share the details. Click the Play arrow below.

Holly Scheibe, Director of Quality and Innovation, OCCRRA, hscheibe@occrra.org 

Please email Holly if you have questions or if you want to register for the no cost train-the-trainer event. Please include your name and OPIN.

Spaces are limited.

Why participate?

In 2018, the CDC reported 1 in 5 children have obesity.

  • 20.3% are 6-11 year olds

In Ohio (2018)14.6%-15.4% of 2-4 year olds in WIC were overweight.

Consider that children who have obesity are more likely to become adults with obesity. Habits start early!

Early care and out of school time programs can be the first line of offense for a healthy lifestyle.

So what do I do if I’m interested in attending the train-the-train or learning more about Ohio Healthy Programs?

  • If you would like to participate in the no cost train-the-trainer email me with your name and OPIN and I’ll send you the details. Spaces are limited.

  • To learn more about the train-the-trainer event and about Ohio Healthy Programs click on the buttons below.

What is the content of the OHP modules that I will train on?

Session 1 Healthy Habits is for teachers. There are four parts:

Part 1 – Healthy Activity – Structured and unstructured physical activity ideas

Part 2 – Healthy Eating and Feeding – Infant feeding, trying new foods, picky eating, eating practices, and healthy food options

Part 3 – Healthy Growing – Growing children’s self-esteem, descriptive praise, children’s benefits of growing plants, and planting ideas.

Part 4 – Healthy Families – Practical ideas to engage families in healthy behaviors


Session 2 Healthy Menus is for cooks or administrator.

  • Making healthy menu choices
  • Resources for menu and snack planning
  • 4-week cycle menu included
  • Healthy celebration ideas
  • Strategies to save food costs


Session 3 Healthy Policy is for administrators

  • Program’s role in healthy living and preventing childhood obesity
  • Purpose of healthy program policies
  • Healthy message program policies
  • Strategies to overcome barriers to policy implementation
What are the Train-the-Trainer Requirements?

Train-the-Trainer Requirements:

  • Complete online self-paced TtT module – 7.5 Ohio Approved hours; opens January 9, closes January 30, 2024.
  • Attend a one-hour virtual group training on January 30 at 6:00 p.m. OR January 31 at 1:00 p.m.
  • Complete discussion board posts by January 30, 2024.
  • Train ECE and Out of School time professionals.
  • Must be an Ohio Approved Instructor.