Ohio Healthy Programs No Cost Train-the-Trainer for Program Administrators
Thank you for your interest in the Ohio Healthy Programs No Cost Train-the-Trainer. Holly will share the details. Click the Play arrow below.
Spaces are limited.
Holly Scheibe, Director of Quality and Innovation, OCCRRA, hscheibe@occrra.org
Please email Holly if you have questions or if you want to register for the train-the-trainer event. Include your name, OPIN, and program name/license number.
If you are not yet an Ohio Approved Instructor there is time to apply. See the requirements below.
So what do I do if I’m interested in attending the train-the-train or learning more on Ohio Healthy Programs?
If you would like to participate in the train-the-trainer and train your staff please email me with your name, OPIN, and program name/license number and I’ll be in touch with details. Spaces are limited.
To learn more about the train-the-trainer event and about Ohio Healthy Programs click on the buttons below.
What is the content of the OHP modules that I will train on?
Session 1 Healthy Habits is for teachers. There are four parts:
Part 1 – Healthy Activity – Structured and unstructured physical activity ideas
Part 2 – Healthy Eating and Feeding – Infant feeding, trying new foods, picky eating, eating practices, and healthy food options
Part 3 – Healthy Growing – Growing children’s self-esteem, descriptive praise, children’s benefits of growing plants, and planting ideas.
Part 4 – Healthy Families – Practical ideas to engage families in healthy behaviors
Session 2 Healthy Menus is for cooks or administrator.
- Making healthy menu choices
- Resources for menu and snack planning
- 4-week cycle menu included
- Healthy celebration ideas
- Strategies to save food costs
Session 3 Healthy Policy is for administrators
- Program’s role in healthy living and preventing childhood obesity
- Purpose of healthy program policies
- Healthy message program policies
- Strategies to overcome barriers to policy implementation
What are the Train-the-Trainer Requirements?
Train-the-Trainer Requirements:
- Complete online self-paced TtT module – 7.5 Ohio Approved hours; opens January 9, closes January 30, 2024.
- Attend a one-hour virtual group training on January 30 at 6:00 p.m. OR January 31 at 1:00 p.m.
- Complete discussion board posts by January 30, 2024.
- Train your program staff – You are encouraged to train your sister-site and other ECE/Afterschool professionals as part of this special invitation.
- Must be an Ohio Approved Instructor.
Where can I find Ohio Healthy Programs information on OCCRRA.org?