The Higher Education Summit 2020
The vision for our efforts is a clear educational pathway and seamless transition from entry in the field through a baccalaureate degree will be available for early childhood educators and T.E.A.C.H. Early Childhood® OHIO scholars whose goal is to teach and/or support the education of children birth to 3rd grade.
Event Video Recordings

Welcome Session
Video | 23:17

State of Child Care / Early Childhood Workforce
Video | 1:00:28

Child Development Associate (CDA) Credential and Ohio’s CDA Pathway Agreement
Video | 1:06:17

Video | 53:54

Power to the Profession
Video | 1:15:12

Strategies to Enhance Student Engagement in Online Learning
Video | 33:50

Updates from the Ohio Department of Higher Education and Access to Practicum
Video | 24:13

Diversifying the Education Pipeline
Video | 36:01

Resources for Conducting Virtual Teacher Observations
Video | 39:09