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TEACH Early Childhood® OHIO Graduates

TEACH Early Childhood® OHIO is a compensation and retention program for Child Care professionals. Active in 23 states, TEACH OHIO is designed to address education, compensation and turnover issues that affect the early childhood field. There have been over 550 graduates since the program’s inception.

Here is a sampling of graduates who chose to participate and complete their degree.

courtney nerad

Courtney Nerad

Summer 2018 – University of Cincinnati

Each year I was enrolled at UC though T.E.A.C.H. I was able to grow as a mentor to my staff. I used the knowledge I gained throughout my classes to help educate my staff and provide them with support. Obtaining additional education has helped me get promoted within my center.

In the future I would love to work with a larger agency that is responsible for providing Technical Assistance to a variety of other child care centers in my community and state.

As a scholar I was able to grow both personally and professionally. I am so grateful for this opportunity and would encourage all educators who are eligible for the scholarship to enroll!

tonya tipton smith

Tonya Tipton-Smith

Fall 2016 – Cincinnati State Community College

Accomplishing my Associate degree in Early Childhood Education has impacted me tremendously. My daily work with children, staff and families has become more professional, communicative, and nurturing with an overall deeper willingness to connect. As a center owner and director, I see the true benefits of having more educated staff and am willing to support them in their efforts to move forward with their education.

In the future, I plan to take the Kindergarten Teaching test and eventually expand my business. We are currently applying for Step Up To Quality and plan to go far. If you are eligible to receive the scholarship I say, “Go For IT.” It has been a true blessing to participate in such a wonderful program. The counselors were an important part of my experience and staying on track. “They are Awesome!”

lisa hall

Lisa Hall

Fall 2016 – University of Cincinnati

As a parent of 3 with a busy lifestyle outside of work the T.E.A.C.H. Scholarship made it possible for me to work and attend school. I would not have accomplished my dream of a higher education without the being provided release time to complete my studies. The knowledge I gained while working contributed to my lesson plans on a regular basis. It also contributed to better communication skills with children, families, co-workers and the community.

Currently, I plan to continue working at New Hope Christian School. However, I would like to obtain my bachelor degree if the opportunity arises.

teresa eddy

Teresa Eddy

Fall 2018 – Cincinnati State

The T.E.A.C.H. scholarship gave me the incentive to go back to school and to provide high a high-quality program that provides a safe a nurturing environment.

My future goal is to apply for the state board of education for a learning certificate or license.

T.E.A.C.H. is a wonderful program, and everyone was very helpful. Thank you for the opportunity!

ronni steinbeck

Ronni Steinbeck

Fall 2015 – University of Cincinnati

The partnership between the University of Cincinnati with its online ECE bachelor degree program and T.E.AC.H. OHIO allowed me to operate my family child care business and to set my own schedule for my studies. Because of my ECE courses I have a better understanding of how children learn and am able to provide a unique environment for each child in my care.

Every child deserves the best education available. T.E.A.C.H. made this possible for all the low income families in my care. I would not have been able to afford the cost of a bachelor degree without T.E.A.C.H. T.E.A.C.H. also offered the encouragement and support throughout my journey to make my family child care home a HIGH quality program.
I will continue to care for children in my family child care program. I would like to earn a master’s degree which will allow me to help other providers learn better ways to educate children.

yolanda conner

Yolanda Conner

Spring 2015 – Cuyahoga Community College

T.E.A.C.H. OHIO gave me the opportunity to complete my AAS degree when there were not any other financial options available. Paid release time let me take classes during the day without loss of pay and without taking time away from my family. A Counselor offers constant support. I know children walk through my classroom with different needs; I need to be prepared to meet them where they are. I am enrolled the University of Cincinnati’s bachelor degree program. I want to open my own early learning center.